Underlining its commitment to the future of the maritime industry, SAFE BULKERS Inc. has been granting full scholarships for the past four years to aspiring professionals in various fields crucial to maritime operations. These scholarships are dedicated to students in Naval Engineering/Naval Architecture/Marine Engineering, Mechanical Engineering/Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering/Computer Engineering/Automation, Computer Science/Cyber Security, and Shipping Law. Specifically targeted at Cypriot citizens or Greek citizens settled in Cyprus, these scholarships encompass individuals graduating from Educational Institutions in Cyprus (Lyceum) as well as those pursuing studies at universities in Greece, the United Kingdom, and other respected institutions worldwide.

As a testament to its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policy, SAFE BULKERS has recently formalized its commitment to education and sustainable practices by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Cyprus Maritime Academy and Intercollege. Within the framework of this MoU, Safe Bulkers will annually provide up to 5 scholarships for newly enrolled or existing Student-Cadets at the Cyprus Maritime Academy.

These scholarships are strategically designed to support the education and training of deserving Student-Cadets, contributing not only to their personal growth but also to the overall advancement of the maritime industry.

For further information regarding the eligibility criteria, terms and conditions of the Scholarships offered by SAFE BULKERS please follow the link Cadet Scholarship Program.